The rising star


She thought she was drowning in an unknown sea,
the sea that had become a source of food for body and soul but not her heart.

She felt like getting rid of the sea as soon as possible.. 
the sea was enormous and she started fearing it.

but eventually decided to try to confide in the sea itself..
tried to settle everything with the sea..
sea at first seemed quite angry at her,
but she did not loose hope..
soon the sea started becoming better...

the much needed love had begin approaching her.
finally she decided to give all of her to the sea and made it her part..
the sea happily accepted her and they became soulmates for ever..

years passed....... The sea is now the reason behind her happiness and worth.

                 SEA NEEDS TO BE APPROACHED BY YOU.               


The recent phase.

“The realization of what really makes you happy is what gives satisfaction” IMG_20160827_154238_539

this year I opted for my medical stream, the stream I had always wanted to opt. I’ve dreamt of being a doctor forever and this is my first step towards my goal, so it really justifies my happiness and gives me a bit satisfaction.. but this isn’t true for all of the people out there. if you are reading this probably and thinking about which direction to go ahead, id say don’t give it too much thought.. ask yourself what you,ve really dreamt of being what will give you happiness and that self-satisfaction with no regrets. Tbh don,t ever let anybody else decide what you want. Make your decisive nature your true strength.. What others think and what they are going to doesn’t really matter, what matters the most is whether you want to do it or not.

to the people who’ve already taken decisions and have moved on a path, I know difficult the life has become now.. how stressful , busy and competitive the days are but this is what we all should have expected no?  but we really did not//

most of us at this moment think of giving up, think of stop doing what once was a passion for them.. but this is not what we had decided.. at least try to stick to you decision, your passion.. give it a try not for anybody else but for yourself.. even I feel like sometimes, god how am I going to do this, how am I going to survive in this competitive world.. but the competition is between people between the students having same minds but different powers.. by powers I mean the power of confidence, decision, interest and most importantly the power to enjoy what we do and make dreams come true. tell yourself everyday what you really want and what you need t do to achieve it.. parents, school, relatives everyone they are just expecting so much.. Think about achieving what you expect more than standing up to their expectations. do what makes you happy..

Actually I too need some advises related to all this. but I m sharing what I do that helps me focus better.

please share your views and your conditions. only we can help each other this way.

if you need motivation go follow @the goodquote instagram. they are great.